Sunday, September 14, 2008

Where do I begin....I'm so far behind!

The first day of school, Kylie is going to Mary and Sandy's in P.J.'s this year, and yes I took this at a red light!
The end of the first day of school, I think someone was tired!
The Birthday boy and me....welcome to the "Old Ducks" Buday!
Buday's new house, notice all the beer cans in the spindles :) I think his mom and sisters did this, something about pay backs!
This is the outfit Kylie had on when we went to pick her up and I thought she looked so cute, I needed a picture and I liked how this one turned out even if she wasn't looking at me, I thought this was a cute one of her getting into her toy box when we got home after a long weekend away from her "home" toys.So happy playing in the rain
If you look carefully you can see that she is watching the softball roll down the driveway
She had water running down her face....she wanted to get her bike out, we drove it around the garage.
Gracie and Tia with their seatbelt was humorous, Gracie was basically dragging Tia.

So I am only a couple of weeks behind for posting anything, sorry. We have been very busy around here. Todd has gone back to school on Tuesday evenings, Melinda has gone back to work and Kylie is settling in at the baby sitters. She actually has been doing really well and loves being with her friends again.
The first week back to work flew by and the weekend was here before we knew it, Kylie went to Grandma and Grandpa's house and Todd and I went to Cleveland to celebrate Jeremie's birthday. It was a long ride, but we had a lot of fun and it was well worth it.
This past week at work, I actually had to go every day and by Friday, Kylie didn't want to go anywhere and threw a big fit getting into the car. Of course once I got her in her seat and gave her some toys, she was as happy as can be and was just fine when I brought her to Mary's. When we got home it was raining and Kylie decided she wanted to play in the rain....this was fun for both of us, as it something I enjoy and it was warm outside. We were both soaked, but had so much fun. She found a softball (go figure we have one of those around here) and she was rolling the ball out of the garage into the driveway and I would chase it, then she would come out of the garage and laugh and I would say while laughing, "Hey get back in the garage, it is raining out" and she would laugh harder and then turn around and penguin "run" back to the garage. At one point she threw the ball and followed it right away and then stood in the middle of the driveway throwing the ball to the grass, of course loving every minute. She had water dripping down her face, what a cutie :)
We actually got to stay home this weekend so we dog sat for Grandma and Grandpa and all the dogs behaved. On Saturday night Todd and I decided to go to our neighbors adult gathering so Nana and Papa came over and watched Kylie and all three dogs.
This week should be a normal week of work for me, so I will have Wednesday off, which will be nice, and then next weekend is the big wedding weekend in Kalamazoo (Congrats Barb and Elton ) it will be fun and busy, I will try to post sometime this week if I get more pictures, otherwise I will post a wedding weekend update next week! I hope everyone is well!

Mel and Todd

1 comment:

Adrian and Becky said...

Yeah pictures! She is getting so big!!