Tuesday, July 14, 2009

To End the week.....John Ball Zoo

To finish off the week we went to John Ball Zoo with Steve, Erin, Peyton, and Sophia. The kids had a great time. This was the hottest week that we have had all summer, so all of our outside fun was very HOT. The kids got tired and hot quickly, but we still spent a few hours wandering around looking at the animals. They did really well, and when it was time to go, we all knew it.
To re-cap the week: Monday, Binder Park Zoo; Tuesday, Kylie's birthday and party; Wednesday, Doctor appointment and hottest day yet, so not much outside; Thursday, beach; Friday, John Ball Zoo........after that we just relaxed. I didn't take any pictures for the next week, we were just laying low, kind of. Todd got back to work on Monday morning and found out that he to go to Dayton, Ohio, for work so he was gone Monday thru Wednesday. We had Grandma's birthday and My birthday celebrations. Todd had softball on my birthday so we postponed the celebrating for a day, but Kylie started thinking she was going to get cake almost every day. I will post 4th of July pictures and Kylie's first camping trip soon!

Mel and Todd

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