Sunday, July 19, 2009

First Camping Trip

The weekend of July 11 and 12th, Todd had a softball tournament in Fountain, (near Ludington). Every year I try to go, but have always had something going on, usually something I have planned without thinking about it being the tournament weekend. This year I decided I wasn't going to plan anything and Kylie and I would go with and we would camp. Todd found out that they would be playing two games on Saturday and then a couple on Sunday, but the games on Saturday were at 10 am and then at 3 pm, so we decided to drive up on Friday night and camp for the whole weekend. We borrowed a tent from Erin and Steve because our little four person tent wasn't going to cut it. Once we figured out how to set it up, we were able to begin the fun. We figured Kylie was already over stimulated just from the drive and then setting up the tent, so we let her hang out by the fire with us until she was settled and sleepy. She went to bed around 11 pm, and she only threw a small fit. On Saturday we got up and get ready and went to Todd's first game and they lost. Then we drove to Ludington for lunch and then went back to the camp site. We packed up our swimming stuff so we could go to the big lake after the second game. We decided to first check out the lake at our campground, Round Lake, and decided that it was probably a little bit warmer then the big lake would be so we would just come back to the campground instead of the big lake. Kylie wasn't so happy going in the water this time, so we didn't stay in long. We decided to show Kylie what it was like to tent camp cook. We grilled our hot dogs over the fire and had carrots and potato chips and then we waited a little while and introduced Kylie to S'mores. She wasn't so sure at first and just wanted the chocolate, she actually tried to take it apart, but then I made my own S'more and showed her how to eat it the right way. She figured it out and really enjoyed herself. We tried not to stay up too late, because Todd's game on Sunday was at 8 am. They lost and the team decided to call it quits. They were not going to be in the big tournament, and a couple of the guys were hurt. We were exhausted so we decided to just pack up and drive home. I think Kylie enjoyed herself because as we were leaving the campsite, she started crying just a little bit. I'm so glad our first camping trip was a success. If we camped more, it would be nice to have something better than a tent, but for now it works.
Mel and Todd

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