Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Annual Michigan State/UofM game party

The kids all playing while the adults try to watch football. Erin made all the girls matching bows, they kept them in for a little while, notice how Kylie's is out of her reach (kind of). This is what happens when you have 7 children from the age 1 to 3 and a half, all the toys were out, everywhere, good times!!!
Even Kylie's toy box in her room was cleaned out....I found a brush and a missing hoodie, thanks everyone for helping find my missing items ;)
Kylie and Kedzie, they are 5 days apart in age, they loved getting in Kylie's bed and jumping. We wanted to get a picture of all 7 kids in one location, so we decided to put them all in Kylie's worked for the most part. Sophie didn't want to be in there with all the other kids, it kind of scared her.

Even Mia was dressed for the big game! GO GREEN!
Our family picture after all of our friends left....aren't we cute all dressed in Green! We had a great day celebrating a great victory! We love hosting the party at our house, it is great getting everyone together!

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