Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sorry, no picture

Today has been a little crazy, so I didn't even take a picture. As I said to my dad earlier, "Welcome to September!" Yesterday Todd's class started, today swimming started for Kylie and I had zumba, tomorrow Todd has softball, Thursday is bowling, Friday is nothing, Saturday Kylie is going to the Circus and it is the bitemaster, and then Sunday is a day of rest and softball in the evening......and then repeat other than Saturday :D Good times! I will try to get a picture tomorrow :D

Mel and Todd


Shannon Giles said...

Kylie was very cute tonight. She came right over and said hi to Lucas and I. Her lessons start right after Lucas'. Then she was sitting so nicely and listening intently to instruction...such a good little student. Sorry I missed Zumba!

Sheldon express..This is our life said...

Kylie told me that she saw you guys! Abby and I missed you at Zumba :D