Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Backyard fun at the Matzke's

On Saturday June 13th, we went to a backyard party at Abby and Brian's house. Usually when I get together with my friends that I still keep in touch with from High School, it is just us ladies. This time we decided to include our husbands and children. Abby and Brian have a nice size backyard with lots of seating room and also a lot of space for the kids to run around. The kids enjoyed playing on the toys and then then we also had water balloons, which led to getting the kiddie pool out and the sprinkler. Kylie loved being in the water and we had a tough time getting her out without a fit. She insisted on wearing her rain boats with her skirt and then she decided to put them on with her bathing suit at one point. Hilary and Phil came with Amara and also their 7 nieces and nephews, Heather and Brian and Alexis were there, Shannon showed up for a little while without Carl, who was home resting, and of Course Abby, Brian, Brandon and Evelynn were there. We had a ton of fun and the kids all got along so well!

Bring on the water balloons....the kids just started throwing them at the ground, so they didn't last long....but they were having fun, so we didn't stop them.

Kylie and Amara checking out the water balloons
When all the balloons were gone, Kylie and Amara climbed in the bin that the balloons were in.....they thought it was hilarious....they are only 4 weeks apart and don't see each other nearly enough, but always get a long so well!
Kylie, Amara, and Evelynn....I tried to get them all to look at me, this was the best I could do
Time to get out the kiddie pool, the hose itself brought entertainment....and none of kids seemed to mind if they got sprayed...there was a lot of laughter and no tears!

Hilary and Amara, that was Mara's 3rd or 4th piece of watermelon, it looked giant next to her! The next few pictures are after Kylie decided to put her boots on with her bathing suit....she brought the towel to the pool and got it soaked, she is so crazy. The last picture is after everyone was all dried off and settling down, Evelynn and Kylie were watching the Tigers game and Evelynn was explaining baseball to Kylie....it was too cute not to capture.

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